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About Us

We collect, buy and sell oyster cans,
old hunting decoys, advertising tins,
hunting books and antiques. We
always have a variety on-hand for sale.

Below are some photo's from
our show displays we attend
and the Eastern Shore area.

Susquehanna Hunting and
Fishing Show 2017

Upper Bay Decoy Show, North East, MD 2016

Ward Museum Decoy Show Salisbury, MD 2016

Havre de Grace Decoy Show 2017

Easton Decoy Show 2016

Chestertown Antique Show 2016

Clamming in the Chester River

Shelly in 2000

Shelly in 2003

Sadie 12-2012

Sadie and Lexi 11-2013

Winter 2007

Breaking Ice at Crab Alley

Winter of 2007
Kent Narrows

Crabbing in the
Wye River 2007

Wye River Crab Boat

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